Saturday 4 October 2008

Who's who - MARGOT

The very classic colouration of a Sussex, the light Sussex, that's our Margot

Margot is I guess the youngest of all the birds that we have.

Highly inquisitive, the commonest view of Margot is her backside and she delves into everything. A championship standard scratcher, she is the lawns greatest foe however probably the best snail and slug remover we have. She unfortunately has the ability to empty the pellets from the feeder so I think we will end up having to suspend it stop the spillage.

Margot has caused us most worry as after a couple of days she was keeping her left eye closed for a lot of the time. A quick catch up showed that the eyeball was somewhat diminished though no discharge.

Poor Margot couldn't see properly (only light and dark from what we could work out) and got depressed, a sad sight, and she wasn't doing too well in the leadership battle. We caught her up and washed the eye with a saline solution and kept it clean. Vet advice was sought and we did the right thing and as the eye stayed clean and no discharge or obvious infection were observed. Needless to say, lots of treats were given and she was very calm, pigged out on mealworms after her treatments and really tamed up.

The eyeball healed and refilled. Her sight, as far as we can ascertain, is fairly good and she can see more than just dark and light.

Positive points: on good days, the loveliest bantam in the world.

Negative points: Is this one the lightness and the dark. Since Margot's recovery she has successfully taken out Ruby as number two chicken and is currently running a campaign against Lottie. Taken up the Ruby habit of rush ambushes on Ruby (now there's revenge) and chases her a bit too much. Has gone from the lovely chicken who was happy to sit on your knee and scoff mealworms and corn to a spooky bird that comes nowhere near us and is currently the most distant of all the birds - I am just hoping that previous behavior will return soon........

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