Tuesday 14 February 2012

Chilly February

Come on girls - there must be corn out there!
Mid February already, that time when most resolutions have already been broken however London has just had a real blast of winter cold. Gone are all those New Year dietary fads replaced by good old fashioned comfort food. The chickens resolution of producing no eggs seems still to be intact though! Tallulah has eventually given up her incubation period and returned with voracious appetite. Both Tallulah and Harriet are now crouching to be stroked (surely a sign of theoretical return to laying)so with such huge appetites one would expect the occasional egg but no though I guess they are using all reserves to keep warm at the moment some I can't be too complaining.

It's always laughable how quickly London generally comes to a complete closedown with 1 inch of snow on the ground. This time the Met forecast got it right, it snowed when they said it would. The Council salt gritted in time, the snow fell and oddly the world didn't end. Chickens were not impressed especially as we watched a fix sniffing around a snow covered garden and no access to the garden anyway as they refuse to walk on the snow - however the dogs loved it!
Treats eaten - now lets stand in line for a photo
And that was last week - the freeze did a world of good for the chickens - EGGS GALORE!

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